RHCE EX300 Complete Tutorial
Self-titled "the flagship" certification, RHCE is a mid to advanced-level certification that builds on topics covered in the RHCSA certification to include more advanced topics such as security and installing common enterprise networking (IP) services. To achieve the RHCE certification, the student must pass the RHCSA exam, EX200, and in addition EX300, a 3.5-hour hands-on lab exam. Red Hat recommends preparing for the exam by taking courses in Linux essentials (RH033), Linux administration (RH131 or RH133), and Linux networking and security (RH253) if one does not have previous experience. Previous real-world experience is also advised.
RHCE was the first Red Hat certificate launched, in 1999. As of July 2009 there were 40,000 RHCEs. It was named the Hottest Certification for 2006.
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Nice tutorial