How to configure/set IPv6 ip address in Linux 7

An ipv6 address is a 128-bit number expressed as eight colon-separated groups of four hexadecimal nibbles (half-bytes). Each nibble represent four bits of the IPv6 address, so each
group represents 16bits of the IPv6 address.

NOTICE :- that under these rules, 2001:db8::0010:0:0:0:1 would be another less convenient
way to write the example address. But it is a valid representation of the same address, and this can confuse administrators new to IPv6. Some tips for writing consistently readable addresses:

1. Leading zeros in a group must always be suppressed.

2.Use :: to shorten as much as possible. if two runs of zeros are equal in length, shorten the
leftmost run of zeros by preference.

3. Although it is allowed, do not use :: to shorten one group of zeros. Use :0: instead, and
save :: for runs of zeros longer then a single group.

4.Always use lowercase letters for hexadecimal number a through f.

#vim /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0
(open the file and Edit In this file you see IPv6INIT . this is by default 'no' you change this in 'yes' and save with press Esc button and press column button then press wq and press Enter button)

#systemctl restart NetworkManager
(start service)

#nmcli connection modify 'System eth0' ipv6.addresses [ipv6 ip address]/[subnet]
example :- nmcli connection modify 'System eth0' ipv6.addresses fb00:ba5e:ba11:14::1/64
(give ipv6 ip address)

#nmcli connection modify 'System eth0' ipv6.method static
(for permanent ip address)

#ping6 [ipv6 ip address]
example :- ping6 fb00:ba5e:ba11:14::1
(ping with IPv6 ip address)

You also watch my video :-


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