[Note : Please don't miss use this method because by using this method, you can trace the password / any word typing in the system]

 First of all what you have to do is install bit torrent in your computer and down load KGB key logger into your system. The downloading link is as below.........
                                                             Then install this into your computer. While installing , the setup window will as you for additional desktop icon and quick help . In this section remove the tick mark from both and click next.And in the final step Launch kgb keylogger  , give tick mark and finish the installation. Now the keylogger will be opened. In the keylogger wizard click next and finish the installation steps. (Default settings willl be ok).Don't give tick mark in the Update automatically option. The registration key is also with the downloaded file.  Go to the help menu and register product with the key. Now go to settings. Here you can apply your settings. In the settings section , the time interval for each screenshots should set as 10 sec  or 15 sec. Then only you will get a complete screen shots of the activities going on .

In the password section give password and dont forget it. first time when you are creating password, no need to give current password, only you have to give new password. In the next time when try to open it with ALT + CTRL + SHIFT +K , it will ask the password. without the password nobody can open the keylogger. So you will be the controller of the system. Delete the history of the screen shots once three days or four days . other ways the system will be slow, because of the increased number of files.

This software will automatically load when the system starts . So there is no need to start the software every time when the system starts and nobody could understand that the software is running in your system....

Once again PLEASE DONT MIS USE THIS METHOD....................


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